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The Left has succeeded in kicking the Ten Commandments out of our public schools and their attack on Biblical morals is progressing full throttle. While we make fun of their rules of fairness, they vilify us and accuse us of being hate filled bigots when we don't agree with them. This has motivated me to take my complaints against the Left down to the basics and reveal the hypocrisy behind their rules of fairness.
The errors which make it possible for Christians to fall prey to the Left?s philosophical assault on our Biblical morals are not difficult to explain. The history of the Left's attack on our culture make it appear that they, radical left-wingers, are struggling to understand humankind. "Nurture vs nature" has an interesting history. To the real power behind the Left's cultural warfare, "nature vs nurture" has merely been a tempest in a teapot. They have long known that as sentient beings we are capable of transforming our priorities and those who have the relevant knowledge can transform others. The radical atheists behind the Left's cultural warfare are dedicated to transforming humankind into creatures they can control even if it first means destroying everything we hold dear. They are turning the naive, the lustful, those who are obsessed with envy, the lazy, and the angry into instruments of destruction. Our American Left-wingers are their dupes.
First they had to change our view of reality by redefining our priorities and definitions. In the polite society of the past, those who engaged in sex without being married were looked upon as weak willed and more akin to animals. The attack on our culture made sexual activity synonymous with love. When they eventually took over our public schools, colleges and universities they made the sexual activity of underage children none of their parent?s business. Now sex with a condom is promoted as a rite of passage for school children in our public schools and school nurses can pass out the condoms. The seducers of young girls down through the ages have wished for this, but girls who were properly warned held out for marriage. Those who believe in Biblical morals view marriage as a partnership with God to become part of his plans for creation. This partnership leaves the marriage bed undefiled.
Historically many marriages were planned by parents, often with the feelings of the bride and groom having little to do with it. The couple was expected to produce heirs whether or not they had feelings of love or lust for each other. Those who believed in Biblical morality were interested in improving the chances of maintaining a culture of religious belief and an economic heritage for future generations. Radical atheists want to destroy our culture and some people calling themselves Christians have accepted the priorities of the radical Left.
The radical Left is willing for us to be slaves to our animal instincts and passions. Even many religious folks who should know that the natural man is an enemy to God have fallen for their arguments. Major Christian denominations have joined in the effort to promote same sex marriage as equally acceptable with heterosexual marriage because sexual preferences are in many cases the result of genetics. It?s a false argument because marriage was not necessarily based on sexual desire, but was necessarily based on the desire to produce offspring.
Biblical morality has always been about helping humankind to rise above their animal natures. In Galatians 5:19-21 is found a list of the works of the flesh. A short version of the list arbitrarily chosen by me includes adultery, hatred, envy, wrath, and strife. Verses 22-23 list the fruit of the spirit as love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. The Apostle Paul in Romans 2:14-15, recognized that not everyone is equally subject to the fruit of the flesh, "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law [the good things], these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: which show the work of the law written in their hearts". Accepting Jesus and receiving the spirit is shown in the scriptures as a means of overcoming the power our animal instincts have over us.
Joseph Smith, in D&C 121:39, recognized the tendency of even dedicated members of the Church to fall prey to temptation, "We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion." Thus when the Roman Empire stopped persecuting Christians and from the ashes of the Roman Empire came the Holy Roman Empire a Christian theocracy was born. As the protestant reformation emerged we soon had the whole western world divided into kingdoms each of which was a combination of monarchy and theocracy.
Theocracy was not what Jesus promoted. He said in John 18:36, "My kingdom is not of this world". He was willing to leave man-made governments in charge of humankind?s sins against each other and leave dealing with sins against God for the hereafter. But Radical atheists would like to make their brand of atheism like a religion and form their own brand of theocracy to rule over the whole world as the Holy Roman Empire did over Christianity.
As the Left is using our public schools, colleges, and universities to stuff the minds of the youth of our nation with thoughts of envy, resentment, and hatred for the rich, for the police, for capitalism, etc. they are bringing us to a degree of anarchy wherein we will beg for their one world socialist government to take control. The Left's rules of fairness are merely a temporary illusion giving them the appearance of having taken the moral high ground. After all, they have always maintained that there are no absolute black and white standards of right and wrong, only shades of gray.