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The title of this article is a false notion which guides the thinking of my nemesis.
Christmas 2020
January 1st, 2021Dearest friends and precious relatives,
Things have been going fairly well with the Porter family. In spite of covid 19 and a governor who would have been tarred and feathered in my father’s day,
October 31st, 2020Reading the Church News I see that our prophet wants us to get used to the new normal. Well, what was wrong with the old normal? Could it be that radical atheists have no use for the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and guarantees in our Bill of rights for the free exercise of our religion and our rights to peaceably assemble, and to keep and bear arms, and on and on. We know why the Left has been undermining the old normal. The power elite among the Democrats have accepted the agenda of radical atheists and you know where that has been taking us.
The restoration of the gospel to Joseph Smith established a new normal in religious observances.
October 31st, 2020Reading the Church News I see that our prophet wants us to get used to the new normal. Well, what was wrong with the old normal? Could it be that radical atheists have no use for the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and guarantees in our Bill of rights for the free exercise of our religion and our rights to peaceably assemble, and to keep and bear arms, and on and on. We know why the Left has been undermining the old normal. The power elite among the Democrats have accepted the agenda of radical atheists and you know where that has been taking us.
The restoration of the gospel to Joseph Smith established a new normal in religious observances.
Mt. Diablo Unified School District: Punishing a Whistle Blower
September 9th, 2020I remember several decades ago my sister, Delma, was struggling with the corruption in a large California school district in Contra Costa County. She was working as an executive secretary for one of the assistant superintendents of schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District. She had access to the district’s financial records and found reasons to check into them. Soon she was telling me of her concerns about the uses to which the district finances and school bond funds were put. It appeared to her that there was little accountability as she described the charges for garbage collection doubling and a payment to a local architect for $240,000.00.