Christmas 2020
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Dearest friends and precious relatives,
Things have been going fairly well with the Porter family. In spite of covid 19 and a governor who would have been tarred and feathered in my father’s day,
both of our California teenage grandchildren have jobs. Tim’s and April’s daughter Alana works part-time at leatherby’s and Brayden works part-time at Pizza Bell. Their father is doing well with his computer repair business. They recently sold their home and moved in with Tim’s in-laws. Their youngest, five year old Cecilee, now has a seven year old sister, Summer, as Tim and April adopted April’s niece.
Our son Aaron recently remarried so now we have two daughters-in-law named April. Aaron and April live south of Salt Lake City where he works as a project manager. He lives close enough to his ex-wife and children to spend time with them. His oldest daughter, Mariah is married to Alex Newton and she is enjoying the challenges of taking care of their two young children.
Sarah and her husband Jeff recently moved to Susanville, CA. to enable Jeff to serve the school districts in the N.E. corner of the state in his union career. Juniper and Joseph get to play in the snow much of the winter without a trip to the mountains.
Wendy continues to enjoy her career working for two hospices. They are both part-time jobs which allow her time with Dan and their son William. William is enjoying playing football with neighbor kids.
Vern’s oncologist’s third try at removing the cancer from his urinary bladder was successful. We have also both struggled with kidney stones. Sylvia still has a scar which looks like someone tried to slit her throat, the result of surgery to remove three of her four parathyroid glands.
But I must admit that I am weighed down in the spirit when I think of loved ones who have passed away or are experiencing serious set backs in their health. Adding to my sorrow over personal tragedies experienced by people I love are the distances which separate us making it impractical for personal visits.
I have concerns for political corruption in our recent election and the brainwashing occurring in our schools as the priorities of the radical left are being promoted by people who do not value our God given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. A popular way of explaining the differences is as follows; if a conservative doesn’t like guns he will not own one, but if a socialist doesn’t like guns, he will try to make certain that ordinary citizens can not have a gun. It is this kind of person who is willing to falsify elections in order to have things go their way. The brainwashing in our schools and the falsification of our elections is being done by people who do not value our God given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Much love,
Vern and Sylvia Porter