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Reading the Church News I see that our prophet wants us to get used to the new normal. Well, what was wrong with the old normal? Could it be that radical atheists have no use for the assertion in the Declaration of Independence that we are endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and guarantees in our Bill of rights for the free exercise of our religion and our rights to peaceably assemble, and to keep and bear arms, and on and on. We know why the Left has been undermining the old normal. The power elite among the Democrats have accepted the agenda of radical atheists and you know where that has been taking us.
The restoration of the gospel to Joseph Smith established a new normal in religious observances.
The baptism of children before they reach the age of accountability, eight years of age, was forbidden and the partaking of the emblems of the Lord’s Supper by those who had not been baptized was condemned in 3rd Nephi 18:5 and D&C 20:68. But, after the church settled in Utah it became traditional to have all children and infants under the age of eight given the emblems of the Lord’s Supper while most of Brigham Young’s false doctrine we simply pretend never occurred. The Lord told the early members of the church that He would give them anything they desired which was expedient for them, but if they desired that which was not expedient for them it would turn to their condemnation.
The New Testament and modern scripture declare the equality of all people in the sight of God. When too many in the church did not like it when Joseph ordained a black man God delivered to Joseph the Pearl of Great Price which justified racism. Polygamy was declared a whoredom and an abomination, but when some in the church, including Joseph, became interested in polygamy the Lord gave Joseph a revelation approving that practice.
Could it be that we are entering that time when plagues shall go forth until all who remain shall know the Lord? I might be more impressed by President Nelson’s suggestion that we get used to the new normal; but when our leaders and scholars have been too busy quoting rumors that Joseph Smith was cohabiting with extra wives to mention that he denied it, I wonder what President Nelson is promoting. Someone has suggested that God set California on fire because of a certain piece of legislation. I’m suggestion that it is worse than that; Satan’s spawn have become so numerous and powerful in California that it is very difficult for a God fearing member of the Republican Party or any other party, for that matter, to get elected. As far as the fires go, I’m not ready to take some credit away from radical environmentalists. I must say that I was not surprised when an earthquake knocked the trumpet out of the hands of the angel Moroni on the Salt Lake temple.
Any of you who wonder why Republicans are so outnumbered by Democrats in our California state legislature should pay more attention to what the Democrats are up to and what California voters are willing to ignore. If we, as Latter-Day Saints were more aware of what our leaders have been up to we would not be surprised by what the Lord said through Ezekiel in chapter 20 verse 25 where the result of Israel’s backsliding was spelled out, “Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good, and judgements whereby they should not live”. Please don’t assume that I am equating Latter-Day Saints who are being mislead by their leaders to the worldly who are being mislead by radical atheists. Latter-Day Saints who follow false leaders may suffer loss in the resurrection, because their leaders were more interested in making our religion acceptable to more people than they were in making our people more acceptable to God, but those who follow radical atheists will find that their radical atheist leaders desired to make their followers enemies of God.