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Before I begin a rant about a conspiracy between Islamic fascists and radical atheists let us get one thing straight; I think I heard a wise old Israelite quoted about there being only two races, the decent and the indecent. Both types can be found in every ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation, political party, etc.. But, why would Islamic fascists and radical atheists conspire together against us. It’s because Islamic fascists and radical atheists share a natural hatred for our Judeo/Christian values and the main premise of our Declaration of Independence derives from those values. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among them are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” The genius of that statement speaks to our concept of God and our relationship to him.
When Jesus told his followers that his kingdom was not of this world he was inviting us to consider ourselves citizens of his heavenly kingdom while we are citizens of an earthly kingdom or nation. This argues against the church becoming a theocracy. This designates our mortal time on earth as a probationary time when we are free to choose, because he wants us to choose to love him and serve him of our own free will. Godless Communism, fascism, and Islamic fascism are not willing for us to be free to choose.
In the U.S. today Christians and Jews are beginning to lose their right to equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Radical atheist philosophies have fundamentally changed the legal structure of American society and made cultural warfare a more prominent feature of everyday life. There is blame enough to go around to some members of all political parties, but the leadership of the Democratic Party has accepted the priorities of radical atheists. The Democratic party hierarchy has no respect for Biblical morality, the lives of unborn babies, the use of fossil fuels, and they have no respect for our entrepreneurial capitalist economy. The use of confiscatory taxes and burdensome regulations in combination with the promotion of an entitlement mentality and a victim outlook place a huge drag on our economy and an unsettling negative pull on our culture.
They want to be free to become obsessed with sex and drugs, but religion gets in the way of that. Karl Marx stated his antipathy towards religion as follows, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”. He hated religion because it left its adherents less likely to be stirred up to fight his battles. He had his own uses for real drugs. Michael Medved in Right Turns tells of one semester in the mid-1960s when fraternity beer busts turned into drug parties. Elvis Presley arranged to meet with president Nixon as he desired to be deputized to help fight drugs. The account I heard has Elvis describing anti-American rantings being introduced once the drugs had time to take effect in all night parties designed to promote the likelihood of brainwashing. I’m not certain there is a well documented account of Presley’s experience, but the above is how I see it.
It took more than drug parties to change this country. We could not have been brought to this place without the help of the mainstream American news media, the entertainment media, and the Left’s intellectual elite in our churches, public schools, colleges and universities. Denis Prager, a well known scholar, lecturer, and talk show host told of a time several years ago when he had a speaking engagement at Stanford University. When the student news paper covered the event one of those in attendance reported that he was a senior there and wondered why after four years of study Mr. Prager was able to give them so much information that he had never heard before. Mr. Prager frequently reports that those who attend college for a B.A. or an M.A. are indoctrinated rather than educated. The Left is busy rewriting our history in our public schools, colleges and universities.
As antagonistic as the federal government has become toward traditional Biblical values it seems contradictory for them to encourage Islam in the U.S. as Islam views on immorality are similar to Biblical views, but with much harsher requirements for punishment. So how can those who promote radical atheist views on sexual freedom side with Islamic fascists who impose the death penalty on those who practice gay sex and adultery. The Obama administration turned billions of dollars over to Iran, Islam’s chief exporter of terrorism, and cleared the way for them to have nuclear weapons in a few years. It’s about tactics, they will help destroy a common enemy and deal with their differences after the common enemy is destroyed, that’s us and Israel folks. Experts on the subject like to point out that during the Second World War we saved the Soviet Union from Hitler’s Germany in order to defeat the Nazis then fought a cold ward with the communists for decades. Our problem with Islamic fascists and radical atheists is much more complicated than that, of course. The practice of maintaining an uneasy truce with a potential enemy while taking sides against a traditional common enemy is not unusual and does not necessarily require formal agreements or actual conspiring.
Though the Federal government is suppressing public displays of Christian symbols and suppresses Christianity in the military and our public schools, Islam is being promoted there. The California text book for social studies used by seventh graders in California supplies obvious examples of anti-Christian bias and pro Islam arguments. The rib of the book reads “Holt CA World History Medieval to Early Modern Times Burstein Shek HOLT RINEHART WINSTON”. The Holy Roman Empire is covered as part of Medieval history. Stoics in the pre-Christian Roman Empire are credited with promoting the idea that virtuous living and civic duty was more important than accumulating wealth on page 28. When describing the Eastern Orthodox half of the Holy Roman Empire The emphasis was on the beautiful works of art produced by the Byzantines (p.39). I didn’t notice anything of a positive spiritual nature attributed to Christianity. There was a short note about Christianity being an offshoot of Judaism on page 28.
When it comes to Islam, the growing popularity of the idea that people should help the poor was suggested as helpful for its development (p.59). Opposition to Islam among the Arabs was described in two ways. Arabs did not want to give up the worship of their many gods and goddesses and they didn’t like the idea of sharing their wealth with the poor (p.62). Islamic law (Sharia) was shown to be a combination of teachings from the Koran and the Sunnah. The Sunnah are derived from the Hadith and biographies of Muhammad. On page 64 it is claimed that most Muslim countries today blend Islamic Law with Western legal systems like we have in the U.S.. This is very misleading because, in reality, Sharia Law is the source of honor killings and vigilante justice. As a disservice to moderate Moslems, the enemies of Islam in the U.S. are promoting the idea that the Koran is responsible for the evils of radical Islamic terrorists. So why does the pro Islam Social Studies California text book for seventh graders fail to mention that the Koran provides support for moderate Moslems who want to live in peace with other peoples? I have studied the Koran and what I found will surprise most people:
To the promoter of radical jihad who insists that he no longer needs to believe parts of the Koran it says, referring to Allah, “He it is Who hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture wherein are clear revelations-They are the substance of the book-and others (which are) allegorical. But those in whose hearts is doubt pursue, forsooth, that which is allegorical seeking (to cause) dissension by seeking to explain it. None knoweth its explanation save Allah. And those who are of sound instruction say: We believe therein; the whole is from our Lord; but only men of understanding really heed.” Surah III verse 7.
To the Moslem who feels he is being oppressed it says, “Was not Allah’s earth spacious that ye could have migrated therein?” Surah IV verse 97.
To the Moslem who might be tempted by the promise of many virgins the Koran says with regard to wedded bliss, “The provision of thy Lord is better and more lasting”. Surah XX verse 131.
While the Koran only requires a flogging for adultery, Sharia Law allows Moslems to kill family members who dishonor the family. Surah XXIV verse 2. Sharia Law considers being raped a dishonor to the family because women are considered a threat to a man’s chastity and are not allowed to be in the presence of males who are not part of the strict Moslem family. Therefore, rape is the woman’s fault.
To the promoter of jihad who hates Jews and Christians the Koran says, “...For each we have appointed a divine and traced out way, had Allah willed He could have made you one community, but that He might try you by that which He hath given you (He hath made you as ye are). So vie one with another in good works, unto Allah ye will all return ... .” Surah V verse 48.
In later Surah negative things are said about the fate of Jews and Christians in the afterlife, but even there believers are instructed to “forgive those who hope not for the days of Allah”. Surah XLV verse 14.
It should be no surprise to find the Obama administration promoting Islam. Radical atheists hate Jews and Israel because of the special historical relationship claimed for Israel and Israel’s God. Democrats (those who have accepted radical atheist priorities) therefore view Islam as their friend via the theory that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. That is why the Nazis and some of the Moslems were so friendly during WWII, they both hated Jews. Attacks on Jews in Europe are increasing of late and they are beginning to leave. There is an effort to discourage investing in Israelite businesses being promoted by the Left and government agencies, private businesses, and universities in the U.S.. Some are divesting themselves of their Israeli stocks and bonds. In San Francisco there was an effort to make circumcision illegal.
In Jerusalem Moslems and Jews live in peace. Moslems are elected to the government and yet the United Nations brands Israel as an apartheid state and hears complaints against Israel from nations with terrible civil rights records. After the 1948 war 156,000 Arabs remained in Israel and became citizens. Of the 1,200,000 Arabs living in the former British Mandate of Palistine, over 700,000 Arabs were displaced from Israel. Between 1948 and 1951 700,000 Jews, many of them from refugee camps in Europe and Asia, came to Israel from around the world. The Arab countries invading Israel have provided refugee camps for some of the displaced Arabs, but have not absorbed them into their population centers. I pulled these statistics from a large article in Wikipedia. Israel has not been allowed to enjoy the spoils of the war they won against Arab invading armies.
The Left is a traitor to the human species for they have made themselves enemies of the human family. They fought long and hard to insure that the sexual behavior of children is none of their parents business. The school nurse can pass out condoms or even arrange for abortions without parental consent. The welfare state they created was designed to rip families apart and promote homes headed by single mothers dependent upon the government. They have created a welfare state which has enlarged the class of able bodied people who have traded in their sense of independence and responsibility for feelings of entitlement to be cared for by the taxpayers. They have made the gay community a class with special protection and who insist on being respected and admired by the rest of this country with the threat of prosecution and persecution for those who offend them. They have made it illegal for parents to provide counseling to help their children who are confused about their gender or sexual preferences.
Let us not forget that the Left has popularized the killing of unborn babies all the way to so-called “partial birth abortion”. Same sex marriage limits population growth as does feminist ideology, which may account for their popularity among the Democratic hierarchy. I see the promotion of Gay rights by the Democratic party as a tactic more than a sincere belief as it provides them with justification for persecuting Christians or anyone who disagrees with them on that subject. The uproar among Democrats over accusations that Trump groped women should be viewed for the hypocrisy their complaints represent. They didn’t even care about rape when Bill Clinton was the rapist. Remember, a vote for Democrats is a vote against our right to promote our traditional Judeo/Christian values.