EDITOR: NOW ARE WE THE SONS OF GOD ... WE SHALL BE LIKE HIM [Now we have become merely breeders for a fascist state] » |
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Since my most recent letter to the editor has not yet been published by the Elk Grove Citizen, it will not likely be published by them. They only allow me 250 words which wasn’t enough for me to do justice to the points I wished to make. Therefore, I will expand my letter with this article for the benefit of my readers.
So far the general public in California has not been prosecuted for promoting Biblical morality, but if a school teacher tries it, watch out! Governor Brown did sign a bill guaranteeing ministers that they would not be forced to perform same sex marriages. Thank you Governor for what may turn out to only be a temporary reprieve. Who knows what the Left will want when the whole nation approves of same sex-marriage? The Left is all about change and the atheist view of reality does not necessarily prefer any particular system of morality. In other words, for atheists, morality is arbitrary. Since they believe in no god at all they are free to choose for themselves whatever they desire to call good or evil (Isn’t that what is called amoral?). Perhaps that is why Lefties, and that includes the power elite among the Democrats, have accepted radical atheist priorities as their own. Whatever-the-case, families are not what the Left wants to promote. Most Democrats will promote family values while on the campaign trail, then legislate against them after the elections.
They need to understand that we are breeders. Whether only for the continuation of the species and our own legacies or also to participate in our Creator’s plan to place his spirit children in human bodies and raise them up to serve the Lord, we are attempting to fulfill our responsibilities as parents. Whether we believe in life after death as described in the Bible or not, we take our parental responsibilities very seriously. All this talk from the Left about the importance of same-sex marriage for gays is merely a tactic. The radical atheists on the Left want to destroy the influence of Biblical morality and they will do it through our children if they can’t succeed with us.
They attack the institution of marriage by equating love with sex and the intimacy born of love, loyalty, and friendship with mere physical familiarity and lust. Those of you who enjoy a relationship with intimacy born of love, friendship, loyalty, and lust with someone of the same gender and additionally want the title of “marriage” have to be very selfish. You must be aware of the fact that you are being used as a weapon against the traditional family and traditional religion. You must be aware of the fact that the Left wants to destroy the family and traditional religion.
As children grow in knowledge they eventually become aware that there is a physical component in the love their parents share with each other beyond hugs and kisses. They learn that the physical component involves mating, breeding, making babies. They may also hear from their friends about unusual kinds of sex which have nothing to do with creating babies. We used to call such things perverted sex acts. Those perverted forms of sex are the only kind of sex which can be performed within the bounds of same-sex relationships. Now in California children in our public schools are being taught that all sexual lifestyles are equally acceptable. This practice necessarily teaches our children, or our grandchildren and so on, in the rising generation that there is nothing special about our heterosexual marriages. If they feel ready for sex the school nurse will give them condoms so they can have guilt free and worry free sex with any of the girls and/or boys they want to.
Those of us who want to equate marriage with breeding pairs, continuing the species, do not necessarily require that those getting married vow to more than fidelity to each other. How many offspring they will produce, how soon and whether or not they desire offspring at all we leave to a matter of conscience. The idea that two people of the same gender would wish to take upon themselves the title of “married” is an affront to logic, to our pride in that title, and to our expectations of the marriage relationship. Those of us who are Christian should have the sense to realize that same-sex marriage is not only an insult to the marriage relationship, but it is also disrespectful of the Bible and our religion.
Take the specialness away from marriage by changing the definition to allow same-sex marriage and you weaken the family bond and make it more difficult to raise up children who will respect our traditions. You who want to promote same-sex marriage are the selfish ones. You are the haters who want to destroy the influence of the Bible and the ten commandments. Whatever the nature of your same-sex relationship, you are supporting the effort to replace love with sex, the intimacy born of friendship and loyalty with only the intimacy born of mutual lust. It doesn’t matter how pure your love is for each other, your same sex marriage is an advertisement that you are participating in unusual sex instead of having the kind of sex which leads to pregnancy. It reinforces the idea being promoted in our public schools that having any kind of sex while using a condom is a rite of passage. It makes it easier for the rising generation to believe that we are a bunch of hateful old fools when we try to convince them to refrain from sex until they marry someone of the opposite gender with whom they are in love and sufficiently well acquainted with to know they have compatible goals.
Since change is so important to the Left they found it profitable to interfere with the influence of parents over their children. Basically, they want to interfere with everything God desires his children to accomplish here on earth. God told Adam and Eve to “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over ... every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:28). The desire to accomplish these things are not peculiar to those who believe in the Bible. The Left is moving against the social development of the human species and the social development of the human species has been in tune with God’s commandments. In opposition to human social development we see that even the social members of nonhuman higher life forms tend to operate with an elitist bent - the survival of the strong and the sexual success of the fittest. But, among humans there is a movement towards equality and the rejection of a privileged ruling class.
The recent culmination of the movement towards equality and the rejection of a privileged ruling class occurred over two hundred years ago with the founding of the United States of America. The equality established in America was that which includes, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Equality which does not include “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is bondage to whatever force establishes that equality. The importance of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” used to be taught in our public schools as well as in the homes of patriotic Americans. In the 1950s we heard a lot about the “generation gap”. The Left decided to widen that gap and that necessitated an attack on the tradition of children honoring their parents. Through the mid-1900s Dr. Spock made it easy by teaching generations of parents to never say “NO” to their children or use corporal punishment on them. By the late 1960s he modified his stand somewhat as he recognized the damage which was being done by creating a child centered society.
In order to be proper parents and have the best chance of raising our children to be capable of living the Golden Rule and being unselfish in their dealings with others they need to learn to avoid becoming obsessed with self gratification and feelings of entitlement. We need to teach them by precept and example. Children who are not taught to control their passions are a threat to society and to themselves. The Left has led the charge to destroy parental influence over their children and instill in them a sense of entitlement.
By the 1960s parents who loved to spoil their children decided they did not want school teachers administering corporal punishment to their little angels or teaching them morals. About this time actors became more successful with their complaints about strict guidelines for the sexual content of television, stage plays and movies and soon parents were told the schools would not be teaching morals. We would have to teach them at home.
It wasn’t much later that the Left realized it was time to further widen the generation gap by teaching school children that their sexual behavior was none of their parent’s business and school nurses were empowered to pass out condoms without parental knowledge or consent. School children were led to believe that having sex with the use of a condom was a sign of maturity. Now you can count yourself fortunate if you are not in a state which mandates that school children be taught that all sexual lifestyles are equally acceptable. And what is the growing legacy of liberal education in our high schools? How about high school dropouts without hope or a positive view of their place in society, and unmotivated students full of unearned self esteem.
In many states our public schools promote lifestyles and a view of reality which is directly opposed to Biblical morality. The Left has been so successful in promoting its radical atheist agenda that even some of the large Christian denominations have tossed aside traditional Biblical morality. For over half a century, a few at first and now nearly all of, our colleges and universities have been teaching the social sciences with a one-sided philosophy leaving the conservative side shorted and misrepresented. The intellectual Left still blames America for the world’s problems. Whereas they used to complain about the lack of scholastic freedom and the traditional orthodoxy they obviously had enough freedom to take over the social sciences in most of our colleges and universities decades ago
.For decades biology classes have been teaching the Theory of Evolution as fact. A basic tenet of the Theory of Evolution is that we owe our existence on this planet to random mutations and the sexual success of the fittest in an amoral life and death struggle. Now a majority of college students only get the Left’s view of reality, especially from the social sciences because the Left is not really in favor of scholastic freedom when they are in control and they hold the record for maintaining extremes of orthodoxy regardless of the cost in human life or the amount of lies they must tell.
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