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Scooter Libby/Clinton Intimidated the Senate/Army Rangers in Vietnam/Montagnards/Stem Cells/Lower Infra Red Radiations
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The Scooter Libby case presents easy tests for checking the credibility of political commentators. If you are told that the case involves felonious outing of an undercover agent, you are being lied to. Libby was convicted of lying and obstruction because his memory of conversations he had with two newsmen, each at a different time, differed from the accounts of each of the newsmen so that it was Libby’s word against a newsman’s word in each case. In spite of the fact that Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald discovered early on that it was Richard Armitage from the State Department who outed Valerie Plame as the wife of Joe Wilson and a member of the CIA, Armitage was not indicted. Therefore it is obvious that Fitzgerald was not looking for whoever outed Valerie Plame, he was on a fishing expedition looking for newsmen who would give different testimony than someone on Bush’s or Cheney’s staff. It was a conscious effort to discomfort and intimidate President Bush and/or Vice President Cheney, but was it a conspiracy?
Let’s take a look at the players in the Scooter Libby case. Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame were against the war in Iraq, as was Armitage and I suspect that the newsmen were also. It sounds like it could be conspiracy, but it may only have been Richard Armitage outing Valerie Plame knowing that there was bound to be some lying hypocrites among the Democrats who would raise a stink.
I remember a mild uproar when the Clinton Administration feloniously rummaged through several hundred FBI files. When President Clinton was indicted for lying about sex before a Grand Jury several members of the House resigned when news was leaked that they had cheated on their wives. Some people still naively believe, even after the Clintons rummaged through several hundred FBI files, that Larry Flint needed to get involved in exposing the Republican Congressmen. When Clinton was interviewed before his indictment he warned his accusers that if he went down so would they. It’s no wonder that the Senate refused to convict President Clinton. Intimidation is a favorite ploy of the Liberals and they are very good at it. That’s why Democrat Congressmen who get caught at sex offences get off scot free while Republicans have to resign as occurred just before the 2006 elections over some questionable e-mails sent to Congressional Pages by a gay Republican.
The Democrats have become such masters at crying, screaming, investigating and false accusing that it would be surprising to me if the Republicans weren’t suffering a least a little from the Stockholm Syndrome. We seem to me to be too willing to attack our own in order to keep them from hitting the Democrats too hard. A prime example may be President Bush’s telling the Swift Boat Veterans to shut up during the campaign for the 2004 elections. If anyone had a right to complain about John Kerry it was his own comrades in arms for during wartime Kerry had conspired with the enemy and stigmatized the American military as war criminals. This was at a time years after Brig. General Bill Yarborough had redefined and reorganized the Army Rangers. During the early 60's the Rangers lived with the Montagnards in South Vietnam’s central highlands. They not only taught the Montagnards how to fortify their villages, but they also helped them with their food and water supplies and helped them with their medical problems. They were a far cry from Gangis Khan types as John Kerry falsely accused them before Congress and the world when he gave the American military a black eye.
Now President Bush is being criticized for mishandling the war in Iraq and not anticipating the insurgency. Few are suggesting that the antiwar crowd must accept some blame for their efforts to convince the people of Iraq that they could expect us to desert them like we did the Vietnamese. It was often difficult to tell whether the antiwar rhetoric was originating with the terrorists or the with the Democrats as their talking points were so nearly identical. Under such conditions how can we blame the people of Iraq for placing sectarian unity above national interests?
Was it Pat Robertson who was attacked for saying that the Liberals were to blame for 911? It was over the top whoever said it, but how about asking Liberals to accept responsibility for some of the support radical Islamic terrorists receive from moderate Moslems? The Liberal attack on our culture has made huge inroads in recent decades. Schools are being asked to teach that all sexual life styles are equally acceptable, pornography is all too accessible and dress codes are far too pornographic. When terrorists call us devils, our Liberalized culture says, “Amen”.
The takeover of the liberal arts and other departments of most of the nation’s colleges and universities has resulted in the brainwashing for decades of our young people. Liberal have blown some issues so far out of proportion that they have managed to demonize Conservatives with them. Take the embryonic stem cell controversy for instance. Not only is it a moral issue with many people, but when you look at the many successes they are having with adult stem cells and even the blood from newborn umbilical cords and compare them to the little or no success they are having with embryonic stem cells it has to be acknowledged that it is a financial issue also. In comparison to other sources of stem cells, funding embryonic stem cell research appears to be much like pounding sand down a rat hole. In spite of that fact Liberals have managed to make the denying of Federal Funds for stem cell research to be a highly immoral stand because of their claims for what it might eventually accomplish. It doesn’t matter that those things are already being accomplished with stem cells from other sources. When Liberal political activists complain about the lack of Federal funding for embryonic stem cells they almost always lie and say “Bush outlawed the research when in fact he only outlawed Federal funding.
The global warming scare is another example of over the top scare tactics. I recently read six or seven books on that topic and could readily see that none of them dealt with all of the most critical factors. One of them mentioned that water was a factor that could not be calculated. Yes, one of them mentioned that water’s latent heat of fusion and transformation was important, and perhaps a couple of them mentioned that water vapor was a much more powerful and plentiful greenhouse gas. Only one of them mentioned that thousands of years ago the planet had been warmer with more rainfall and much less CO2 and I think I had to figure out the CO2 levels myself from other sources.
Only one of the several books I read on global warming mentioned the quantum factor in global warming. Each greenhouse gas captures only a specified sector of the infra red spectrum. When you consider the fact that the amount of infra red energy given off varies enormously according to the type of terrain or man made structures available to absorb solar energy and then turn it into radiated infra red energy it makes one wonder why scientists are not considering doing something about controlling the amount of infra red energy available to heat up the greenhouse gasses. Controlling the infra red emissions from roof tops, asphalt, concrete, and desert lands could greatly reduce the heat captured by greenhouse gasses. Bringing water to the desert could also significantly mitigate regional problems with hunger. But alas, Liberal political activists are little interested in solving the global warming problem in a way that could succeed in stopping the depopulation of the African continent by drought. They would much rather ban DDT so that the birds had plenty of disease carrying insects to eat than kill the insects so that they could not spread the pestilence to the human population. Bringing water to drought ridden Africa would be an enormous, perhaps impossible, undertaking with huge humanitarian benefits, but alas, it would not give committees full of socialists control of the world economy. It will never happen while the scientists with political agendas are in charge.