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THE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN/Anti War Crowd/Communists/Families
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When someone truly believes that they are patriotic I see no reason to accuse them of being otherwise without evidence of seditious acts. However, the question still remains, are they truly American in their attitudes and actions. At this point it’s important to note that it is no crime to be un American. It is also important to avoid defining American too narrowly and to avoid starting a witch hunt for un American activity.
The thing that is so great about being an American is that we can do so many things and be so many things. We can be capitalists and organize businesses, we can find work as civil servants, domestic servants or employees of business owners. We can work hard enough at whatever we do to become rich, or we can be satisfied with getting by while spending the time we are not working for a living doing volunteer work or enjoying family activities. We can even become true communists and organize a commune in which to live.
It’s a pity, but all this freedom we enjoy in the USA is too much for some people. This is especially true of the antiwar crowd. The most vocal ones see our every effort at helping other peoples be free as an effort to spread the “evils of capitalism”. There are lots of reasons to be against war, but at the core of the antiwar movement are radical anti capitalists and radical environmentalists. They can’t muster up any regrets for the millions that were killed by communists when the Liberal Democrats in congress withdrew our support from South Vietnam. They are especially loath to denounce Pol Pot for the 1.2 to 2 million he killed in Cambodia because he, Pol Pot, was anti technology as well as Communist. Some of those who died in Cambodia died from the hardships of being forced out of their cities into the country side and the rest were executed for wanting to hold on to a piece of technology. Every recruit to Conservatism from the old antiwar crowd makes them more desperate to renew their antiwar legacy and push harder against the war in Iraq and against President Bush. They are quite willing to withdraw prematurely from Iraq and leave those who befriended us to be slaughtered there just as happened in Vietnam, because they would rather see Iraq remain a backward nation suffering under Sharia Law than enter into the modern world of freedom where capitalism is allowed.
Second only to freedom, the promotion of the family as the central unit of the American way of life is essential. That doesn’t mean that everyone must get married and raise a family. It only means recognizing family life as an ideal, but not a necessity. The statistics I’ve been exposed to show that “sowing wild oats” before marriage increases the chance of adultery and divorce. Promoting living together before marriage, friends with privileges, etc. works against family stability and the possibility of establishing of family life without bringing sexually transmitted diseases into the marriage.
For the sake of maximizing the number of stable families it is essential to avoid encouraging young people to think that there is something wrong with believing in living a chaste life before heterosexual marriage and living a monogamous life afterwards. It should be promoted as the ideal which is only attainable with careful planning and vigilance. Recognizing ones mistakes and doing the responsible thing should promoted as the next best thing. Additionally, young people need to understand that finding a legitimate way to express their creative, cooperative, and/or nurturing natures leads to happiness. There is nothing with greater potential for turning an adult into a compassionate, responsible person than becoming a parent. Liberal dogma reinforces the tendency of adults to remain latent teenagers even if they do become parents.