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Last week as I tuned into the Dennis Prager show he was interviewing Gene Robinson, a now retired Bishop of the Episcopal Church. I’m not certain whether it was a live broadcast or a replay. The Bishop has recently written a book about love so gay marriage was the focus of the interview. He was gushing over the hallowing of the gay relationship by marriage.
There was an obvious but unspoken connection of the emotion of love with the act of sex, at least I didn’t hear any distinction made between the emotion of love and the desire for sex, and therein lies the danger of gay marriage to those of us who value the Biblical definition of chastity. One cannot blame those members of the gay community who also value chastity for wanting to be able to bring their gay sex with a loved one under the canopy of marriage. But, I do blame them for wanting to blur the distinction between love and lust.When associating with a group of guys at work it wasn’t unusual when a desirable lady was spotted to observe someone leering and saying, “I’m in love”. We knew that meant that he was feeling lust for her. He was feeling the instinct for sex. We were taught by church leaders not to invite such feelings in to stay and entertain phantasies. When I went home to my wife I tried to avoid bringing home someone else’s fire for her to put out. I tried to make the fires of passion about the two of us. As a young married man with an ample supply of testosterone I had to stifle my natural inclination to desire many sexual conquests. So I don’t feel sorry for a gay man in a heterosexual marriage. I have to repress my natural instincts the same as he should, especially since he is a man of the cloth. The Bible clearly teaches that the natural man is an enemy to God and that approved sex is for heterosexual marriage wherein the man and his wife become God’s partners in his work of creation. The Left has helped to bring us to the present age of self absorption wherein sex is not about man and wife building a family. Sex has become a national fascination, an impersonal spectator sport with pregnancy being an undesired result of carelessness.
An agnostic or atheist accused me of diminishing marriage to a breeding arrangement. It’s about building families wherein we raise up our children unto God and they take care of us in our old age. The Bishop seems to have forgotten that the purpose of the Bible is to remind us that we are not animals. We are expected to overcome our animal heritage in favor of being reborn in the image of Jesus Christ. We are like a larval stage of something grand and glorious. As it says in 1John 3:2, “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” What we hope for and what we do in this larval stage will determine what we shall be like in the resurrection. There are eternal consequences to our actions.