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The Left believes that the only thing which keeps the world from becoming a peaceful paradise is the uneven dispersal of goods and services. They believe that the reason there is crime is because they haven’t been allowed to take sufficient control of the economy to allow them to make everyone equal financially. They hate us for that, and that is one of the reasons they are willing to take our guns away from us and turn us into helpless victims. Also, some of them have more sympathy for criminals, because they consider them victims, than they do for the successful who are victimized by criminals.
I heard something on the Dennis Prager show today which got me to thinking. He has a psychiatrist named Stephen S. Marmer as a frequent guest for his Happiness Hour. Dr. Marmer was expounding on the effect of entitlements on happiness and the need for people to feel they have earned something in order to be happy. The doctor said that entitlements breed envy, covetousness, and jealousy, then he defined them.
He said the jealous person sees someone with an ice cream cone and wants to get one of his own. The coveting person sees someone with an ice cream cone and wants to have that person’s ice cream cone. The envying person doesn’t want the other person’s ice cream cone. He would rather slap it to the ground so that no one could have it.
Doesn’t it scare you to think that President Obama is not just establishing more entitlements, he is also demonizing the rich, encouraging people to resent them and be angry at them. This anger and resentment reinforces envy, covetousness, and jealousy and becomes a vicious cycle. This is a tactic; “you have to break some eggs to make an omelette”. It doesn’t matter whether Obama merely wants to punish the old colonial powers and empower the third world countries or to turn us into a European style Socialist state, or a communist country. He is increasing discontent, anger, and the size of the entitlement class and the “Occupy” movement. The occupy movement is a cross section of the disillusioned, the angry, the jealous, the covetous, and the envious. When they get large enough and angry enough Obama will not be able to control them. Obama will find, to his sorrow, that he has prepared the United States for the chaos which will allow a fascist or communist dictator to takeover. Obama does not understand the kind of fire he is playing with. He seems to think that the rest of the world is like Chicago, full of dirty politics. He doesn’t seem to understand that the kind of freedom we enjoy is based on citizens with the kind of character which comes from striving to live the ten commandments.
You’ve heard our conservative talk show hosts talk about the bubble the Left lives in. They live in an entirely different reality. There is no Devil or God in the reality occupied by the radical Left because most of them are radical atheists or people who have accepted the radical atheist agenda as the leading democrats have. We must not accept the radical atheist view of reality because it makes standards of morality and fairness completely arbitrary. I would like to point out several things which disturb me about the atheist reality.
#1. If there is no God then our right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” has to come from some other source than our creator. This places those rights in jeopardy.
#2. My right to life means little if my home is required to be a gun-free zone. Those folks who say that a gun-free zone is a helpless victim zone are right about most such homes.
#3. Laws which make it necessary for the gun owner to have ammunition and firearms locked up separately place him/her at a disadvantage, as would a prohibition against clip-fed firearms.
#4. Laws which demand that gun owners share liability with criminals who steal their firearms are meant to discourage gun ownership. It should not be the business of government to discourage honest citizens from owning guns.
#5. The Left believes that there are no universal or black and white standards of right and wrong, only shades of gray. That means they can call evil, good and good, evil.
#6. With no universal standards of right and wrong character becomes irrelevant.
#7. The Left has succeeded in decriminalizing crimes against the family. The radical atheist agenda insists that there be no consequences for immoral or irresponsible sexual behavior.
#8.The Left has done away with the censoring of pornography in movies and television.
#9. The impoverished are encouraged to believe that terrorism and gang activity is justified by their poverty.
#10. Our public schools have adopted the radical atheist agenda of indoctrinating our children with the notion that they are merely the result of millions of years of evolution, the sexual success of the fittest, then they provide birth control items and abortions in order to make it easier for school-girls to be seduced without fear of consequences.
#11. The Left is attempting to drive Christianity underground. God and the Ten Commandments have been removed from public schools and some court houses.
#12. The Left wants us to be grateful to and dependent upon the government and to forget God.
It’s time for those who voted for Obama to take off their rose colored glasses when they look at him and the leaders of the Democratic Party. Wake up America!