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Koran Vs Sharia/ Evidence of Heresy
In a recent letter I wrote to the president of Hillsdale College, I discussed an article from the February, 2016 edition of Imprimis written by Andrew C. McCarthy about Islam as follows.
Re: Islam–Facts or Dreams? by Andrew C. McCarthy From volume 45 of Imprimis:
Dear Sir,
The article impressed me, but I was disappointed by the lumping together of all the Islamic scriptures as the source of Sharia and Jihad violence. Lacking the experience and educational background of McCarthy I hesitate to critique his article, but my study of the Koran leads me to believe that we shouldn’t discount it as a source of comfort to Moslems who desire to coexist with members of other religions. As Christians we must face the differences between the New Testament and our practices. Moslems must choose between the teachings of the Koran and the sunna contained in the Hadith and biographies of Muhammad. Those who believe in Sharia and Jihad ignore the Koran in favor of the teachings of Muhammad. Perhaps that explains their violent reactions to criticisms of Muhammad.
In Surah IV, verse 97 the Koran asks Moslems who feel they are being oppressed, if Allah’s earth is spacious enough to allow them to migrate. To the terrorist who may be tempted by the promise of many virgins, Surah XX, verse 131 says of wedded bliss that “the provision of thy Lord is better and more lasting”. While Sharia calls for honor killings when laws of chastity are broken, Surah XXIV, verse 2 merely requires a flogging for adultery. To those who insist that they can ignore parts of the Koran, Surah III, verse 7 reminds believers that all of the Koran is from Allah. To those who hate Jews and Christians, Surah V, verse 48 reminds them that they will all return to Allah. Surah XLV, verse 14 tells Moslems to forgive those who hope not for the days of Allah.
The above clearly demonstrates that the promoters of Jihad and Sharia value the words of Muhammad more than they do the words of Allah. This proves that most of Islam worships Muhammad instead of Allah. The extreme violence they use against anyone who pokes fun at Muhammad is evidence of their heresy.
Vern Porter
Considering the huge size of Islam we should be glad to see in the Koran some room for coexistence, tolerance, and forgiveness. The popularity of Sharia and Jihad among Moslems is a concern. Sharia and Jihad are about the death of tolerance, coexistence, and forgiveness. In the U.S.A. today the Left has stopped tolerating Conservative ideology. They will not allow Conservatives to speak at colleges and universities. Discussions on topics which they disagree with are categorized as hate speech. Though they stick to non-lethal violence in the U.S. they take sides with Islamic terrorists, especially when it comes to the state of Israel and the Palestinians. By encouraging the Palestinians to do violence is the American Left attempting to encourage violence in America?