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There was a time when liberals and conservatives only had to worry about whether or not their candidate had been bought and paid for by some crooked business owner. Conservatives still have to be concerned about that problem, but liberals need to realize that many of their political leaders, in addition to being bought and paid for by crooked business owners, are also promoting the agendas of a coalition of radical special interests in order to increase their chances of winning. I call these radical groups “militant pacifists”.
;When I was a child, pacifists captured my imagination and I chose to be a pacifist. The pacifists of my early childhood stood up for people or causes and took a beating without fighting back. Nearly half a century ago militant pacifists captured the attention of the news and entertainment media. These militant pacifists were intent on forcing their beliefs on everyone. Once they had the media on their side all they had to do was whine, scream, and cry louder than the opposition and soon they were setting the agendas for social change.
Once the militant pacifists had obtained sufficient power, it became more important for business owners to become involved in campaign finance in order to protect business and personal interests. Pacifist backing of liberal legislators became a sweet deal for the liberals when they had gained majority control. By legislating campaign finance regulations that limit the contributions that business owners can legally give to honest probusiness legislators, they could expect to obtain the larger illegal contributions from corporate heads desperate to sidestep government interference in their businesses or to receive big government contracts.
Liberal politicians didn’t have to believe in the radical agendas of the militant pacifists, only throw them a bone occasionally to keep the radical activists’ followers voting for them and corporate heads afraid to stop contributing to their campaigns. Every bone they throw to environmentalists or police state socialists serves to blackmail corporate America. Have you wondered why liberal politicians are leading the fight for campaign finance reform? The answer is clear. The more difficult they make it for honest folks to contribute to campaigns, the greater will be the influence of criminals and their friends in the media on elections. If only crooks are able to indulge in campaign finance, only crooked business owners will be able to influence legislation. I’ll bet a few of you think that the liberal politicians are just being partisan when they expect better behavior from conservatives than they do from their own party members. It is my belief that they are being more partisan than you might think. They want all the Republican legislators, especially the conservative ones, to be boy scouts so that the big money crooks in the business community will have to give their payoffs to liberals. Corrupting the American people is also in their best interests.