THE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN/Anti War Crowd/Communists/Families

September 19th, 2007

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When someone truly believes that they are patriotic I see no reason to accuse them of being otherwise without evidence of seditious acts.  However, the question still remains, are they truly American in their attitudes and actions.  At this point it’s important to note that it is no crime to be un American.  It is also important to avoid defining American too narrowly and to avoid starting a witch hunt for un American activity.


The thing that is so great about being an American is that we can do so many things and be so many things.  We can be capitalists and organize businesses, we can find work as civil servants, domestic servants or employees of business owners.  We can work hard enough at whatever we do to become rich, or we can be satisfied with getting by while spending the time we are not working for a living doing volunteer work or enjoying family activities.  We can even become true communists and organize a commune in which to live.

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The Liberal Attack On Gays And The Family/Mormons/Zero Population Growth

August 8th, 2007

Half a century ago the Liberals were launching another effort to destroy the family with an old theme.  “Marriage is a hindrance to real love.”  The current effort insists that fairness demands the promoting of same sex unions and the teaching of our school children that all sexual lifestyles are equally acceptable.  How many of those we classify as homosexual can succeed at heterosexual marriage?  I suspect that many can.  Liberals say that the gay lifestyle is a genetic thing, they have no choice, but research scientists are beginning to discover that the genes which control us are in turn controled by outside influences.

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Scooter Libby/Clinton Intimidated the Senate/Army Rangers in Vietnam/Montagnards/Stem Cells/Lower Infra Red Radiations

August 8th, 2007

The Scooter Libby case presents easy tests for checking the credibility of political commentators.  If you are told that the case involves felonious outing of an undercover agent, you are being lied to.  Libby was convicted of lying and obstruction because his memory of conversations he had with two newsmen, each at a different time, differed from the accounts of each of the newsmen so that it was Libby’s word against a newsman’s word in each case.  In spite of the fact that Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald discovered early on that it was Richard Armitage from the State Department who outed Valerie Plame as the wife of Joe Wilson and a member of the CIA, Armitage was not indicted.  Therefore it is obvious that Fitzgerald was not looking for whoever outed Valerie Plame, he was on a fishing expedition looking for newsmen who would give different testimony than someone on Bush’s or Cheney’s staff.  It was a conscious effort to discomfort and intimidate President Bush and/or Vice President Cheney, but was it a conspiracy?

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Blood Type Diet

August 8th, 2007

Seasonal hives were a long time affliction for me.  When I first experienced this distraction about twenty years ago a cortisone shot once a year for a couple of years gave me seasonal relief.  After that I used antihistamines occasionally.  Starting about fifteen years ago a progressive neuropathy and severe fatigue was causing me so much pain that I was ignoring the almost constant hives and the half inch wide welt under my belt all the way around my midriff.

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August 8th, 2007

Traditional medicines approach to cardiovascular health is a travesty.  If LDL cholesterol is high the immediate answer is to prescribe one of the statin family of drugs.  Statins are hard on the liver and the body’s production of coenzyme Q-10.  Traditional medicine wants to keep LDL cholesterol within certain limits because of the part it plays in plaque formations and in atherosclerosis.  Have you ever had a doctor who is concerned about your cardiovascular health suggest taking vitamin C?  Most animals produce all the vitamin C they need.  Most mammals produce the human equivalent of 2,000 to 13,000 milligrams daily.  And guess what?  Vitamin C is one of the ingredients the body prefers to use for repairing damage to arteries.

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