Islam/The Koran/Christianity/Sharia Law & Jihadist Doctrine Contridicts the Koran
August 8th, 2007Warning: Declaration of smilies_plugin::GetDefaultSettings() should be compatible with Plugin::GetDefaultSettings(&$params) in /home1/vporter/public_html/b2e/plugins/_smilies.plugin.php on line 73
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This article is my attempt at placing jihadist Islam in context with the Koran and in comparison with Christianity.
When the Kingdom of Israel was subject to the Romans, Jesus came to offer forgiveness of sins to the Jews, and made the announcement that his Gospel would be preached to the world at large. His Gospel would be for entrance into his Kingdom in Heaven. “My Kingdom is not of this world,” He stated. If you will have it this was a pronouncement of the end of theocratic judgement as to earthly punishment for sin. Judgement pertaining to the Kingdom of God was to be postponed until death. Because of Jesus we enjoy a probationary state with regard to the Kingdom of Heaven. Earthly punishment would only be administered by civil authority for crimes against society and individuals, not for sin against God.
Global Warming/Quantum Limitations on Greenhouse Gases/Water Vapor A Stronger Greenhouse Gas and a Temperature Moderator
August 8th, 2007Global warming is being used as a partisan political club for beating up on conservatives. I believe in global warming. I also believe in global cooling. Since we are about 150 years from the last cooling period called the Little Ice Age it is no wonder that glaciers are retreating. The history of the earth’s climate is represented by lots of spikes in temperature. Within the large scale cycles there are smaller cycles severe enough to have affected populated areas of the earth in the last several thousand years. Warmer weather leads to more surface water and more snow and ice. Water, snow, and ice leads to global cooling. During the Climatic Optimum seven thousand years ago when conditions were warmer and wetter than today CO2 levels were little more than half of what they are today. Since then we have had global cooling that maxed out at between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago and again from a little before to a little after three thousand years ago, with a significant warming spell in between. Changes in the Gulf Stream are blamed on these 1,500 year cycles.
CONSERVATIVE MELTDOWN/Immigration/Dificit Spending/Terrorism
August 8th, 2007Some of those best known for telling it like it is have been failing to support President Bush on some vital issues. In the case of the Immigration Bill the lack of support has gone all the way to extreme attacks. It was about June 14th when I heard Laura Ingraham interview Tony Snow. Even though Mr. Snow has been proclaiming for several weeks if not several months that 78 plus miles of fence have been completed on our southern border Ms Ingraham was still accusing President Bush of only completing three miles of fence. As a matter of fact, Mr. Snow’s objection to the claim that only three miles of fence had been completed was one of the few answers Tony gave without Ms Ingraham calling him a liar.
January 29th, 2007There was a time when liberals and conservatives only had to worry about whether or not their candidate had been bought and paid for by some crooked business owner. Conservatives still have to be concerned about that problem, but liberals need to realize that many of their political leaders, in addition to being bought and paid for by crooked business owners, are also promoting the agendas of a coalition of radical special interests in order to increase their chances of winning. I call these radical groups “militant pacifists”.
January 29th, 2007When I was in grade school in the late forties, I would catch honey bees by the wings as they gathered nectar. Once I had removed their stingers I would toss them down the blouses of unsuspecting girls. The corporal punishment I received gave me a new sense of direction. Punishment received in school usually brought additional punishment at home.